Do you want to stay young all the time?

No one can go back to the past, but the present can be made beautiful. It is not in our power to stop the flow of human life, but there are some lucky "dhanis" who become prematurely old, that is, they are soon overwhelmed by physical and mental aging. So today we will tell you what are the main factors that can help you prevent premature mental and physical aging.


All the great athletes of the world have proved that aging can do no harm to those who continue physical activity. The best manifestation of slowing down the aging process is the excellent structure of the human body. Modern research tells us that regular exercise throughout life strengthens the muscles and keeps cholesterol levels under control, boosts the immune system, and does not allow the human body to weaken for long.

Leading American medical expert Dr. Benjamin Epstein says that exercise has surprisingly positive effects not only on the body but also on the mind, such as it does not cause weight gain and diabetes, respiratory and heart diseases. Balanced exercise keeps bones strong, which does not cause complaints like joint pain. Physical activity has a positive effect on mental health by reducing anxiety and stress. The American medical expert added that strong and balanced feet increase the chances of living a long and good life, so regular exercise 30 to 40 minutes 5 days a week can delay the aging process.

Unadulterated food

All medical experts agree that a natural diet is the best weapon to slow down the aging process. Dr. Benjamin Epstein says that a diet without artificial sugars, fats, and salt that has undergone at least one artificial process (blending) is a guarantee of a healthy life because by doing so you will reduce inflammation, diabetes, and heart disease. Will be safe from diseases.

In this regard, Dr. Benjamin Epstein suggests that wheat, rice, lean meats, fish, peas, beans, and eggs should be used to lead a healthy life while slowing down the aging process. Modern research tells us that natural foods stimulate the body's growth process and reduce the risk of diseases related to aging.

Use of vegetables

Excessive consumption of vegetables in the human diet is a guarantee that you can look 34 years old even at the age of 65, according to a survey. Nutritionist Dr. Abe Sauer says that the use of fruits, vegetables, and wheat in the diet prevents the ill effects of aging on the human body.

Protect skin from the heat of the sun

Sunlight is a double-edged sword for humans, as it provides vitamin D on the one hand and can damage the skin on the other, causing wrinkles and sometimes even cancer. Vitamin D is very important for the human body but it is very important to take precautions to get it from sunlight, so when going out, cover your body with clothes, apply sunscreen or look for shade. ۔ In addition, experts say that it is important to wash your face thoroughly at least twice a day and use a skin-softening cream.

Dental protection

According to researchers, there is a special relationship between teeth and the aging process. Unhealthy teeth can lead to heart problems, strokes, and diabetes, which are caused by bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria in the mouth can also cause problems in other parts of the body such as inflammation, mental retardation, and Alzheimer's, and all of these diseases accelerate the aging process.

Digestive system

Toxins caused by a bad stomach are the cause of weakness in the human body as a whole. The use of natural food and its digestive system, if not properly, can lead to a number of physical problems. According to Dr. Benjamin Epstein, if the stomach is not healthy, the body, especially the brain, does not digest the essential vitamin B12, and a deficiency of this vitamin slows down the brain process. Therefore, fish, eggs, milk, and dairy products should be used more to get B12 and make it easier to digest.


Chronic stress can lead to a number of illnesses, one of which is speeding up the aging process, so get rid of stress-related problems, including getting enough sleep. Because sleep deprivation affects brain function. During sleep, the human brain works to restore damaged cells.

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