The Secret to Your Smile is Beautiful Teeth.


Dentists believe that about half of all diseases in human life are caused by bad teeth. Therefore, teeth are the most important part of the human body.

In order to survive, a person needs food and drink and healthy teeth are essential for eating food because whatever food enters the stomach is possible only with the help of teeth. May Allah not let your teeth get damaged and your gums get damaged.

Inside the pus and material enters the stomach with food and then the person becomes a victim of various diseases.

Sometimes the teeth get so bad that it becomes difficult to eat and you only have to spend on soft food.

If dental hygiene is started at an early age, it is unlikely to be damaged even by the age of 100.

Whenever there is any disease in the teeth, it is due to our negligence. It is necessary to clean the teeth thoroughly after every meal, otherwise, the food gets stuck in the teeth and after a while, it starts to rot. And then the teeth slowly begin to fill.

And in this way, you may lose the blessing of the food. Therefore, it is very important to brush your teeth after eating. The brush you use for your beautiful teeth should be neither too soft nor too hard. ۔

Beautiful teeth are the beauty of your face and teeth like white pearls add more sparkle to your beauty.

If even one of the front teeth comes out, then the beauty of the face is lost, so everyone wants their teeth not to be bad for the rest of their lives, so it is very important to check the teeth of men and women from time to time.

If the teeth are full, the main reason is that you have stopped paying attention to the teeth, which causes the teeth to turn yellow.

It is caused by the accumulation of bacteria and food and its layer is very hard and then it is difficult to take it off. The spores are usually inside the places where the teeth meet and where the teeth and gums meet.

It seems that these bacteria Mixed spores slowly begin to affect tooth enamel, so be sure to remove the spores from the teeth, otherwise, it will either create a gap inside the teeth or keep them completely filled.

If the teeth are not cleaned after eating, the gnats start to clot on the teeth after a few hours. If you move your tongue on your teeth, the gnats will be felt immediately, so you should not have gnats on your teeth under any circumstances.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to download. The gums on the teeth freeze and injure the gums when they touch them. Then as soon as they are brushed, the gums get injured and the flowers go away and all this is due to the gums.

In this case, you should go to the dentist so that it can be remedied in the initial stage. To protect your teeth, you should follow these methods to prevent your teeth from getting damaged.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day and do a good job to clean them. Some people brush their teeth too quickly which does not achieve the goal of cleaning and should clean the inside of the teeth with a brush. So that no part is left unattended and cleaning should be done not with haste but with full attention.

Use a medium brush. The brush should not be too hard to scratch the natural toothpaste. The same brush should not be used for several months. According to experts, the brush must be changed every three months. Every meal should be eaten.

Then the food trapped in the space between the two teeth should be removed by a good toothpick and then the brushing process should be started.

If the food stuck in the teeth is not removed, no matter how many times it is brushed, it will be useless. According to the dentists, every six months, the dentist should be examined if the water does not feel hot or cold. 

Refer to Use water as much as possible Do not use drinks that are high in acid as these drinks can take away the natural tooth polish.

When brushing your teeth, hold the brush as if you were holding a pen for writing. So that the brush is not used too hard but can be soft and comfortable. Use the brush in such a way that it covers the gaps or gaps between the teeth.

It can also remove food particles hidden inside them. Both food and cigarettes continue to damage the teeth and dull the shine of white and shiny teeth, so cigarettes should always be avoided.

By using good toothbrushes, standard toothpaste, and the right brushing techniques, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and they will look beautiful to the viewers. 

Holes and plaque in the teeth weaken them and this Gum also affects the gums, so choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride creates resistance in the teeth against cavities and plaque.

Some toothpaste is specifically written to prevent cavities and bad breath. Some toothpaste contains treeline.

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