The Most Mysterious and Strange Places in the World.


It is said that the perfection that man has reached in terms of science and technology at this time is astonishing.

Things and scientific inventions that were unthinkable a hundred years ago are now part of our daily lives and are included in our general needs and in our use that we do not consider 'wonders', but now Until a hundred years ago, it was considered insane to think about these things apart from having them in our lives. 

On the other hand, state-of-the-art diagnostic systems through new machines such as ultrasound and MRI are indicative of the development of medical science. Robots now appear to be engaged in customer service in hotels after industries. It's all about artificial intelligence.

In this way, as man explores the mysteries of the universe in the field of research into the vastness of space, he has been able to send rockets and spacecraft beyond the limits of his solar system to Mars after the moon and beyond. 

From the heights of the sky to the depths of the sea and the underworld have come within the reach of man. But in spite of this, in the world created by Allah Almighty which we call the planet and on which we live, there are still many things and places that we do not know much about. Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle. 

Even today, scientists are unable to know exactly about it. Similarly, complete information about the pyramids of Egypt has not yet come to light. In addition to the Bermuda Triangle and the Pyramids of Egypt, there are many other places on our planet that science is unable to explain. The following are some of these places.

1. Bridge Water Triangle

The Bridgewater Triangle covers 200 square miles and is located southeast of the US state of Massachusetts. The place is said to be home to supernatural beings, flying saucers, jinn, ghosts, fiery tornadoes, unscientific phenomena (whose science can offer no explanation), ice humans, giant dragons, and giant birds. The site was first mentioned in the 1970s by Lauren Coleman, a cryptologist who authored a book, Mysterious America. What in America?

There is a part called 'Swamp', according to tradition, this is the place where souls live. The Bridgewater Triangle is also home to a variety of rocks and forests. These rocks are called "Dighton Rock" and "Profile Rock". It is said that the historical character of the ancient Native American tribes, "Anawan", received a "traditional sword made of coin strings" from his king Philip as an honor. It is known that even today at night the image of a man with his arms outstretched can be seen on one of these rocks.

The Free Town Fall River State Forest, located in the Bridgewater Triangle, is said to be the site where the ancient Native American tribes sacrificed animals. Also, not only did people commit suicide here, but also criminal elements and followers of Satan used to kill and sacrifice human beings here.

Most people living near the boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle claim to have seen flying saucers, mysterious animals and humans, as well as ghosts and demons and mutilated animal carcasses. The "Hoko Mock Swamp" area is claimed to be home to icy humans and giant birds can be seen flying. These birds are said to be eight to twelve feet wide. 

A similar claim was made by Thomas Downey, a police sergeant from Norton. The significance of this claim is that Sergeant Thomas regularly recorded this claim in his official report. In 1998, local police were tasked with investigating two incidents in which mutilated carcasses of a cow and some calves were found at various locations in the forest.

Tradition has it that when the local ancient tribes were defeated by the Europeans, they cursed the area centuries ago. Since then, the place has been haunted. According to another tradition, during the war, these tribes lost their king's sacred 'sword made of a chain of whips', for which they were defeated.

2. Bennington Triangle

The place was named after Joseph A. Citro, author of the book New England, during a 1992 radio broadcast. The purpose was to name an area in the southwestern part of the mountainous state of Vermont, Greece, after people who went missing between 1920 and 1950. The name was later popularized by two other books, one of which was Shadow Child, in which he devoted several chapters to the missing persons. "Joseph" also likened the area to the "Bridge Water Triangle".

According to Joseph's books, locals tell strange stories about mysterious disappearances in the area. These mysterious disappearances reached their peak in the 1940s. One such famous story is that of Paula Jane Weldon, an American student who came to visit the place and disappeared while hiking here in 1946.

Thus, in 1945, the 74-year-old "Midi Rivers" came with him as a group guide of four hunters and disappeared from here. In 1949, an experienced hiker named "James Ted Ford" disappeared from here and was never seen again. According to an eyewitness, "James" got on the bus to come here, but before the last stop, he was eaten by the earth or swallowed by the sky, nothing could be known.

The fourth missing person was an eight-year-old boy, Paul Jefferson. This child also went missing in 1950. Paul was in the truck with his mother. At one point, her mother stopped the truck and drove to a nearby fence, and when she returned about an hour later, Paul was missing. Its head was never found again.

Just 16 days after Paul's disappearance, 53-year-old Freud Alinger came hiking in the area with her cousin Herbert Ellis. During the hike, her foot slipped and she fell into a river. Coming out of the river, she told her cousin to wait for her there and she went to the campsite and changed her clothes. 

She never came back. Seven months later, his body was found in the area, but surprisingly, the area from which his body was found was searched several times by dozens of volunteers on foot and with the help of a helicopter. Was hit People around call these disappearances the work of invisible creatures and icy humans.

3. San Luis Valley

Located in the US state of Colorado, part of this valley extends to New Mexico. Here is the source of the "Rio Grande River". The area came under US occupation after the Mexican American War. Prior to 1868, Capote, a branch of the local Indian Ute tribe, lived here.

The valley is famous all over the world for claiming to be the most visited flying saucer to date. There are also claims of finding mutilated dead pets. The sightings of flying saucers are so common in the area that a woman named "Judy Mesulin" built a regular watchtower in her farmhouse just so she could see the flying saucers clearly. The woman claims to have seen flying saucers more than 50 times alone since 2000. Many times dozens of people watched them together at the same time.

But even more, distorted stories of dead animals being found than flying saucers are popular here. The series began in 1967 when the body of a horse named "Snippy" was found, with a missing brain and broken neck bones. Hundreds of more such incidents followed. 

All of these events have a lot in common. For example, no drop of blood was found around the animals. Second, their bodies were neatly cut, which shows that it is not the work of predators, and third, that all these animals were perfectly healthy and strong the day before. To date, investigations have not yielded any results and these incidents are still ongoing.

Some farmers say that on the night before such incidents, they see some mysterious lights in the sky. This gives the impression that it may be the work of a space creature.

4. Michigan Triangle

Lake Michigan is one of the five largest lakes in North America. The peculiarity of this lake is that it is located in the whole of the United States, otherwise, the other four lakes are jointly in the United States and Canada. The first people living around this lake were called "Hope Well Indians". 

After 800 AD, their culture became extinct and for the next few hundred years, the area became the cradle of the "Late Wood Land Indians" and was eventually occupied by the Europeans. The central part of the lake is called the Michigan Triangle. This triangle is also famous for the disappearance of planes and ships.

On April 28, 1937, Captain George R. Donner crossed the lake in his ship. Captain Donner was feeling a little tired. He told his subordinates that he wanted to rest in his cabin, but should be woken up before reaching the destination. The captain was not in his cabin when his subordinates went to pick him up several hours later. The entire ship was searched but Captain Donor was not found.

On June 23, 1950, Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 was en route to its destination. The pilot of the ship "Robert Seland" was considered to be a very experienced pilot. Fifty-eight passengers were also on board at the time. He flew over Lake Michigan in the middle of the night when his flight had to change course due to bad weather. Meanwhile, the pilot asked the control tower to reduce its altitude from 3,500 feet to 2,500 feet but did not give a reason. That is why his application was rejected. This was the last contact between the ship and the control tower after which the ship went missing. It is clear that the ship sank in the lake as pieces of the cover of its seats were later found floating on the surface of the lake, but the most surprising aspect is that despite much searching, neither the ship nor the passengers Any remains found.

5. Point Pleasant.

Hearing this name, it seems that it will be a place where everyone will be happy and those who go there will also feel very happy when they reach this place. Ironically, this is not the case. The city is located in the state of West Virginia, USA. The town is also famous for its mysterious and bizarre stories.

The most famous of these stories is the one in which a creature named "Mothman" is mentioned. From November 1966 to December 1967, this creature spread terror throughout the region. More than a hundred people from "Point Pleasant" claim to have seen "Mothman". According to him, the "Mothman" was seven feet tall, his chest was wide and his red eyes were magnetic. He also had a ten-foot-tall dragon on the ground behind him.

There are several possible explanations for "Mothman", which has been the subject of books and movies. Some people thought it was a space creature, while others thought it was a species going through evolutionary stages. Most people thought it was actually an owl or a seagull that scared the people of Point Pleasant.

In addition, the people of Point Pleasant also claim to have seen flying saucers and to be eyewitnesses of a human-like creature known as "Men in Black" who can tell people through their appearance and voice. Osan is capable of making mistakes. This creature is said to meet only people who have a reputation for being eyewitnesses of mind-boggling events.

6. Bige Low Ranch

This 480-acre private property is located in the US state of Utah. It is also known for its supernatural events and flying saucers. Amazing events have been happening here continuously since the 1950s, but most of these events are mentioned in the 1994 deployment of two Rangers, Terry, and Gwen Sherman. Have been listening since On the first day, when the two Rangers came here, they saw a huge wolf standing in the pasture. 

They thought the wolf was a pet and went to him. The wolf stood still, but suddenly he grabbed a calf by the snout and pulled it out of a nearby cow and buffalo enclosure, and ran away. The wolf was not shot when a Ranger "Terry" fired his pistol at him. Finally, Terry pulled out his shotgun and fired at the wolf, but to no avail. When they tried to chase the wolf, they did not find his footprints. It was as if it had dissolved in the air.

These events did not end here, but the appearance of one after another flying saucer, the appearance of dancing herons in the air (about which three dogs are said to have disappeared as a result of them), supernatural creatures and distortions There was a series of incidents like finding dead cattle. Things got so bad that in 1996 the owners sold the property.

The new owner was the founder of the National Institute for Discovery Science, an organization that seeks to unravel the mysterious phenomenon, but it is also surprising that he or his institute conducted research on it. Is still kept secret.

7. The Devil's Sea

Also known as "The Dragons Triangle" or "The Pacific Bermuda Triangle".

It is located on the Pacific island of Miyake, about 100 kilometers south of the Japanese capital, Tokyo. Like the Bermuda Triangle, this part of the ocean is famous for its mysterious events, extraordinary magnetic force, incomprehensible bodies and the appearance of lights, and unexplained disappearances. Even the Japanese Fisheries Department has declared the area dangerous and issued instructions to fishermen to stay away from it.

To find out about a volcano that erupted here on December 24, 1952, Japan sent an investigative ship to the area, called "Kaiyo Maru-5". 5) was. Thirty-one crew members were on board. The plane sent only one "SOS" (radio message sent to help) after arriving in the area and was never seen again, nor was it ever seen again.

Similarly, between April 1949 and October 1953, about seven small fishing boats went missing in this 1,200-kilometer sea area. History shows that the famous Chinese king Kublai Khan sent naval expeditions to conquer Japan several times but he could not cross this evil sea and about forty thousand people lost their lives in this adventure.

Many stories are told about this triangle. It is said that it is the "gateway" of a space creature to come to earth. Most experts also offer the scientific explanation that there are vast deposits of "methane hydrates" under the sea. Methane hydrates explode at temperatures above 18 C C. This gas is shaped like a reservoir of ice and its cracks start to break from the bottom and then break to the top, causing bubbles to form on the surface of the water. In the process, these bubbles can easily sink any ship, leaving no trace of its wreckage. 

Another theory is that underwater volcanoes in the area (which are very common here) are responsible for all of these events.

8. Lake Anji Kuni

Unlike other mysterious places, this lake made its name in this world full of mysteries by erasing the inhabitants of an entire village from the face of the earth instead of a few people or ships. This lake is located in Canada. The shores of this lake are covered with rocks. The area is frequented by hunters who hunted animals for skins.

One such hunter, Joe Labelle, who used to come here in November 1930, passed by the place and was surprised to see that all the villagers were missing. He found in their homes stitched clothes with needles attached to them as if someone had just woken them up. There were cooking pots on the stoves and hot food was in them.

It was as if the villagers had suddenly had to go somewhere and whatever it was, they all left and got up and left. But, where and why did they all go, and all of a sudden? This is still a mystery today. The most disturbing thing was that there were seven dogs that had died of starvation while pulling an ice cart to "Joy", while there were food items in the open shops. Also, a grave was dug in the village cemetery and the body was not inside. 

Surprisingly, it was clear from the evidence that this was not the work of a wild animal because the boundaries of the rocks around the carved tomb were intact. People say that even before this incident, strange lights were seen in the sky. Thus, this incident also went to the account of space creatures, ghosts, and Dracula and its true nature are still unknown.

9. South Atlantic Anomaly

Would you believe if you were told that there is a "Bermuda Triangle" in space above our Earth? No right, But it is and it is called "South Atlantic Anomaly". This is where magnetic 'charged particles' are formed by solar winds. These magnetically charged particles are trapped by the gravitational pull of the Earth's magnetic field and accumulate around the Earth.

The place in space where this magnetic force is closest to the Earth's surface is known as the Earth's inner Van Allen Belt. The Earth's magnetic field has the weakest gravity and is located in space just above the Brazilian side of the Atlantic Ocean.

The satellites and space shuttles passing through this place suffer from various problems and the computers in them stop working. The Hubble Telescope, which is an important means of providing scientists with information about the planets and stars floating in the vastness of the universe, also closes all its observations while passing through here. ۔

The International Space Station, which passes through here five times in 24 hours, also suspends activities such as walking in space because astronauts see nothing but rising stars. It feels like it's not just a technical issue. It seems that the technical cause of all these problems is these charged particles in the magnetic field, but scientists are still not convinced that this is the case.

So why not put all this into the account of an unknown space creature?

10۔ Superstition Mountains

The mountain range, located in the US state of Arizona, was formed by a volcanic eruption about 25 million years ago today. According to traditional legends, around 1800, a man named "Jacob Walts" discovered a huge gold mine in these mountains. Since then, the mine has been known as "The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine". Jacob kept the location of the mine a secret until his death. Numerous people later tried to find the mine but to no avail. Some people say that the souls of these people still roam in the mountains who wandered here in search of gold mines and eventually fell into the abyss of death.

According to another traditional story, the gold mine treasurer "To R." Tuar-Tums are short-lived "dwarfs" who live in caves and tunnels beneath these mountains. Some alumni believe that the gates of hell are in these mountains. Even today many people come here for hiking. These are the amazing places that are found on this mysterious planet of ours and their mystery is still alive today.

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